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The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU)

Our projects

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Our projects (55)

Showing results 1 to 10
logo of dare project

The DARE project aims to develop cutting-edge HPC hardware and software based on RISC-V, an open instruction set architecture poised to power exascale and post-exascale supercomputers.

Project locations
Project Status
  • Open

The GANANA project aims to establish a long-term collaboration between Europe and India in the field of HPC applications in identified priority domains.

Project locations
Project Status
  • Open

The MINERVA project aims to ensure that the European AI communities can harness the power of the EuroHPC systems, giving the users of their applications a competitive edge in science and innovation.

Project locations
Project Status
  • Open

The EuroCC4SEE project aims to establish a network of National Centres of Competence (NCCs) in countries associated with the EuroCC 2 Project, while also welcoming potential new candidates to join the network.

Project locations
Project Status
  • Open

The NET4EXA project aims to create an advanced interconnect for HPC and AI systems, including Large Language Models, that will scale to hundreds of thousands of computing nodes.

Project locations
Project Status
  • Open

The dealii-X CoE aims to elevate existing pre-exascale applications of digital twins for the brain, heart, lungs, liver, and mechanobiology to exascale readiness, providing an ideal computational platform for the integration of the developed software

Project locations
Germany, France, Belgium, Italy
Project Status
  • Open
Microcard Project Logo

MICROCARD-2 is a successor to the EuroHPC MICROCARD project. The purpose is to advance the prototype established in the MICROCARD project to scale up to exascale systems.

Project locations
Project Status
  • Open

The main objective of FFplus (Fortissimo Plus) is to enable industry (especially SMEs) to use cutting-edge technologies such as HPC and AI to improve their business and thus their competitiveness.

Project locations
Project Status
  • Open

HANAMI brings together leading HPC institutions from Europe and Japan to strengthen and improve HPC through the joint development of applications and the exchange of information and expertise.

Project locations
Project Status
  • Open

The EPICURE project aims at ameliorating the offering of user support by establishing and operating a distributed but coordinated European HPC application support service and encourage the best possible uptake of the systems by European researchers.

Project locations
Project Status
  • Open