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The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU)

Access Policy and FAQ

Researchers from academia, research institutes, public authorities, and industry can apply for access to computing time on EuroHPC supercomputers.

Access to EuroHPC Systems

The EuroHPC JU has procured pre-exascale and petascale supercomputers (the EuroHPC supercomputers) which are operated by supercomputing centres (Hosting Entities) in the European Union.

EuroHPC JU manage the access time (from 35% for petascale systems up to 50% of pre-exascale systems total capacity) of EuroHPC supercomputers.

More information on upcoming calls are available here:


2025 Cut off dates for EuroHPC Access Calls

Timeline for all Access calls



Since April 2021, access time is allocated to European scientific, industrial and public sector users, matching their demanding application requirements, according to the principles stated in the EuroHPC JU Council Regulation (EU) 2021/1173 and as amended by EuroHPC JU Council Regulation (EU) 2024/1732, and in the JU’s Access Policy.

Researchers from academia, research institutes, public authorities, and industry established or located in an EU Member State or in a Participating State or in a third country associated to the Digital Europe Programme or to Horizon Europe shall be granted the Union’s share of access time to EuroHPC supercomputers acquired after 2020.

How to apply?

You can directly click on the button below:


You can also find more information on how to apply and our Access Policy in the documents below:

General publications
EuroHPC JU Access Policy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

More details

More information on access to EuroHPC supercomputers:

Access to EuroHPC Supercomputers