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The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU)
  • Press release
  • 29 March 2021
  • European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking
  • 3 min read

ACROSS, HEROES, NextSim, and OPTIMA: The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking launched four new projects in March

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These new research and innovation projects will focus on the development of energy-efficient HPC software and further develop, adapt, and optimize HPC software for applications in the European industry, while exploiting synergies with existing solutions and open-source projects. 

From 1 March, four newly established consortia started their work on four different EU funded HPC projects. With more than 7,9 million of the total 55 million of the Horizon 2020 funds available under the call ‘Towards Extreme Scale Technologies and Applications’, participants will work on research and innovation activities that will help Europe to become globally competitive in the field of supercomputing. ACROSS and HEROES, address topic EuroHPC-02-2019 on ‘HPC and data centric environments and application platforms’. NextSim and OPTIMA focus on topic EuroHPC-03-2019 on ‘Industrial software codes for extreme scale computing’.



The project ACROSS (HPC Big DAta ArtifiCial Intelligence cross Stack PlatfoRm TOwards ExaScale) will codesign and develop an HPC, Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence convergent platform, supporting applications in the Aeronautics, Climate and Weather, and Energy domains.

The project ACROSS will run for a 3-year period with a total budget of €8.8 million. Funding of €4 million is provided by Horizon 2020, the Research and Innovation funding programme of the EU, supplemented by grants from national funding authorities and in-kind contributions of the partners. ACROSS is a consortium composed of 13 actors from 8 European countries and is coordinated by the Italian Fondazione LINKS, already working on HPC projects such as LEXIS and OPERA and FET B-CRATOS, which combine high-performance, Low Power and scalable architectures.



The project HEROES (Hybrid Eco Responsible Optimized European Solution) is aiming at developing an innovative European software solution addressing both the industrial and scientific user communities. A platform will allow end users to submit their complex Simulation and Machine Learning workflows to both HPC Data Centres and Cloud Infrastructures and provide them with the possibility to choose the best option to achieve their goals in time, within budget and with the best energy efficiency.

The project HEROES will run for a 2-year period with a funding of €328 346 from Horizon 2020, and a total budget of more than €890 000. Led by the French HPC solution provider UCIT, the consortium involves four European enterprises which bring HPC solutions to their clients and are facing this market demand on a daily basis. The Barcelona Supercomputing Center, a major supercomputing Research Centre, complements the project with its specific expertise in energy management and resource optimisation.



The project NextSim (NEXT generation of industrial aerodynamic SIMulation code) will focus on the development of the numerical flow solver CODA (Finite Volume and high-order discontinuous Galerkin schemes). This will be the new reference solver for aerodynamic applications inside AIRBUS group, having a significant impact in the aeronautical market.

The project NextSim will run for a 3-year period. Horizon 2020 will cover around €1.9 million, and the total cost will be around €4 million. Barcelona Supercomputing Center, the Spanish national supercomputing centre, is the coordinator of this project which gathers seven participants from Spain, France, and Germany.



OPTIMA (Optimizing Industrial Applications for Heterogeneous HPC systems) is a SME-driven project aiming to port and optimise several industrial applications as well as a set of open-source libraries. These will be used in at least 3 different application domains, to two novel FPGA-populated HPC systems, utilising several innovative programming environments.

OPTIMA will run for a 33-month period. Horizon 2020 will cover around €1.7 million of the total €4.1 needed. The project gathers ten participants from five EU countries and Switzerland, coordinated by the Greek Telecommunication Systems Institute.



More details

More information on the projects is available in the section Ongoing projects of our website.


About EuroHPC

The EuroHPC JU was established by Council Regulation (EU) 2018/1488  in 2018. 32 European countries are currently taking part in the initiative and pooling their resources with the EU and private partners to enable the EU to become a world leader in supercomputing.

The mission of the EuroHPC JU is to develop, deploy, extend and maintain an integrated world-class supercomputing and data infrastructure in the EU and to develop and support a highly competitive and innovative HPC ecosystem.

The EuroHPC JU aims at equipping the EU in 2021 with an infrastructure of petascale and precursor to exascale supercomputers and developing the necessary technologies and applications for reaching full exascale capabilities around 2022 / 2023. 


Publication date
29 March 2021
European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking