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The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU)
  • Project


NextSim, which stands for CODA: Next Generation of Industrial Aerodynamic Simulation Code, is a collaborative project that brings together top researchers and industry from Europe to increase the capabilities of current Computational Fluid Dynamics

NextSim Project Logo


NextSim, which stands for CODA: Next Generation of Industrial Aerodynamic Simulation Code, is a collaborative project that brings together top researchers and industry from Europe to increase the capabilities of current Computational Fluid Dynamics tools for aeronautical design by re-engineering them for extreme-scale parallel computing platforms, which will help to improve the design of aircraft to make them lighter, quieter and more fuel efficient, resulting in less greenhouse gas emissions.

The backbone of NextSim is centred on the fact that, today, the capabilities of leading-edge emerging HPC architectures are not fully exploited by industrial simulation tools. Current state-of-the-art industrial solvers do not take sufficient advantage of the immense capabilities of new hardware architectures, such as streaming processors or many-core platforms. A combined research effort focusing on algorithms and HPC is the only way to make possible to develop and advance simulation tools to meet the needs of the European aeronautical industry. 

NextSim will provide access to project results through the “mini-apps” concept, small pieces of software, seeking synergies with open-source components, which demonstrate the use of the novel mathematical methods and algorithms developed in CODA but that will be freely distributed to the scientific community. 


Cordis Facsheet    Video Presenting NextSim





Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics a l'Enginyeria (CIMNE)


Centre européen de recherche et de formation avancée en calcul scientifique (CERFACS)
