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The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU)


Inno4scale will support the redesign, reimplementation and reinvention of algorithms fully exploit the efficient use of exascale and post-exascale European supercomputers.

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The increased processing capabilities of architectures for exascale and post-exascale computers require the complete redesign, reimplementation and reinvention of algorithms to fully exploit the potential of these supercomputers. 

The mission of Inno4scale is to identify and fund the most promising novel algorithms for applications. The Inno4scale consortium will finance the development of novel approaches to algorithms by funding smaller projects that demonstrate original proof-of-concept with high impact for exascale-supported applications, resulting in significant performance and energy efficiency gains for HPC users in academia and industry,

The consortium will design and coordinate a call for proposals based on the cascade funding mechanism, financing the most promising ideas on novel algorithms for exascale supercomputers. Proposals received will be evaluated by external experts based on innovative design and impact on the upcoming exascale systems. The call is expected to be open by the end of July 2023, and will run until the end of September. The proposals will then be evaluated throughout autumn 2023 and the or subprojects are expected to start in 2024 and run for twelve months.

The work of the Inno4scale consortium will ensure that the upcoming European exascale supercomputers can be used to their full potential and solve previously unsolvable computational challenges. Industry, science, and public institutions will then be able to reduce their time-to-solution or energy-to-solution for large-scale computational simulations and develop and find novel solutions quickly.


