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The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU)
  • Project

The European PILOT

The European PILOT project (Pilot using Independent, Local and Open Technologies) aims at showcasing an European accelerator, designed, implemented, manufactured, and owned by Europe and based on open source and open standards

The European PILOT Project Logo


The European PILOT project (Pilot using Independent, Local and Open Technologies) aims at showcasing an European accelerator, designed, implemented, manufactured, and owned by Europe and based on open source and open standards. Accelerators provide the majority of performance in modern HPC systems and are the fundamental building blocks for Exascale systems. 

The European PILOT project is an ambitious combination of open source accelerator designs, based on the RISC-V open source hardware ISA, canonical HPC and High Performance Data Analytics (HPDA) applications and system software as well as open source systems integration of advanced cooling and power delivery in the rack.

The project will bring together multiple partners to leverage and extend existing Intellectual Property (IP), combined with new IP that can be used as building blocks for future HPC systems, both for traditional and emerging application domains.  At the heart of this pilot is an HPC system based on European technologies from the racks and enclosures to the two accelerators and CPUs, and the software running on top of this platform. 


Cordis Factsheet






Commissariat À L'Energie Atomique Et Aux Energies Alternatives (CEA)
