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The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU)
  • Project


The project HPCQS aims to integrate two quantum simulators, each controlling about 100+ quantum bits (qubits) in two already existing supercomputers

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The project HPCQS aims to integrate two quantum simulators, each controlling about 100+ quantum bits (qubits) in two already existing supercomputers: 

  • the supercomputer Joliot Curie of GENCI, the French national HPC organisation, located in France;
  • the JUWELS supercomputer of the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC), located in Germany.

In doing so, HPCQS will become an incubator for quantum-HPC hybrid computing that is unique in the world.

The seamless integration of quantum hardware with classical computing resources will enable research entities and industries to exploit new quantum technologies and find solutions to complex challenges in physics, chemistry and numerical optimisation with practical applications, for example, to materials and drug design, logistics and transportation. 

HPCQS will develop the programming platform for the quantum simulator and offer cloud-based access to users and researchers. The project will build an open and evolutionary infrastructure that aims at expanding in the future by including a diversity of quantum computing platforms at different technology readiness levels in an HPC system and by allowing the integration of other European partners. The HPCQS infrastructure is a first step towards a European quantum computing infrastructure in synergy with the ongoing European efforts to establish a world-leading HPC infrastructure.


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