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The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU)

Optimising Ignitor Beam Properties for Proton Fast Ignition

Awarded Resources (in node hours)
On Vega CPU
Awarded Resources (in node hours)
On Karolina CPU
29 July 2024 - 28 July 2025
Allocation Period

The recent successful demonstration on the National Ignition Facility (NIF) of achieving, for the first time, ignition i.e., a target gain G>1 [Abu-Shawareb2022, Abu-Shawareb2024] has renewed interest in inertial fusion energy (IFE) as a possible source of clean and inexhaustible energy for humanity. 

While this historic result has validated the scientific basis for laser-driven inertial fusion, many scientific and technical challenges remain on the path to developing a commercially viable IFE scheme.

Focused Energy is a recent startup pursuing proton fast ignition (PFI), an advanced ignition scheme separating the stages of deuterium-tritium (DT - hydrogen) fuel compression and heating, potentially capable of achieving higher target gains and robust performances. 

The success of this approach relies on the ability to generate a proton beam with the right characteristics to heat and ignite the isochoric DT fuel assembly. At the same time, a quasi-spherical robust and effective DT fuel compression around a re-entrant cone needs to be achieved.

The approach that the team follows to study and further optimize the physics of TNSA proton beam generation, focusing, transport and cone-in-shell capsule implosions is based on large-scale numerical studies performed in conditions of interest for PFI, which demand a large number of computational hours.

The team then benchmark the numerical results with experimental results obtained in downscaled conditions, since the lasers needed to perform full-scale experiments do not yet exist nowadays. 

Hence, HPC numerical simulations are our number one tool for scientific de-risking of our IFE concept, optimization of our targetry geometry as well as planification of our future experimental facilities.