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The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU)

Press releases

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Press releases (111)

Showing results 20 to 30
  • Press release

The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) has launched a call for expression of interest to select hosting entities which will host and operate new EuroHPC quantum computers.

  • 2 min read
  • Press release

The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) has launched three new research and innovation (R&I) calls. The calls focus on three different areas, namely energy efficient technology, skills and training, and centres of excellence for quantum computing.

  • 4 min read
white text on a blue background saying "new call to procure the quantum computer euroqcs-poland"
  • Press release

The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) has launched a call for tender for the installation of EuroQCS-Poland, the EuroHPC quantum computer to be located in Poland. 

  • 3 min read
Rafal election
  • Press release

Rafal Duczmal, Polish representative at the Governing Board (GB) of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU), was elected as the new chair of the board for a period of two years, during the 34th GB meeting held last week in Luxembourg.

  • 2 min read
Discoverer Upgrade Call
  • Press release

The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) has launched a new procurement call for the acquisition, delivery, installation and maintenance of the hardware and software to upgrade the Discoverer Supercomputer.

  • 2 min read