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The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU)
  • Call for proposals
  • Closed

Innovating and Widening the HPC use and skills base

The first topic of the call, EuroHPC-04-2019, aims at working with participating countries to develop national supercomputing competence centres in all EuroHPC participating countries.


Publication date
25 July 2019
Opening date
Deadline model
Deadline date
14 November 2019, 17:00 (CET)


The first topic of the call, EuroHPC-04-2019, aims at working with participating countries to develop national supercomputing competence centres in all EuroHPC participating countries. These national HPC competence centres, coordinated in a pan-European network, will serve many users, provide knowledge and new digital skills across Europe.
The second topic, EuroHPC-05-2019, aims at supporting European manufacturing and engineering SMEs to improve their innovation potential and competitiveness by using advanced HPC services.


Who can participate?

The EuroHPC JU Programme is open to any organisation that can make a contribution to the R&I objectives of the programme. However, please note that depending on the call topic specific Union funding rates apply. In addition specific eligibility criteria and funding rates for each of the EuroHPC Participating States may apply. For more details about the level of matching funds of the EuroHPC Participating States and corresponding national eligibility conditions check the Annex to the EuroHPC Work Plan 2019 (last update on 05/02/2020).