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The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU)

FULCRUMS (high-Fidelity cfd simULations of non-Conventional hydRogen combUstion systeM for aeronauticS)

Awarded Resources (in node hours)
MeluXina CPU
System Partition
29 July 2024 - 28 July 2025
Allocation Period

The project FULCRUMS (high-Fidelity cfd simULations of non-Conventional hydRogen combUstion systeMs for aeronauticS), a collaboration among three consortium entities from industry and academia, aims at exploiting best-in-class HPC resources to perform Large-Eddy Simulations (LES) of some hydrogen combustion systems tailored for aeronautical applications.

By leveraging high-performance computing and state-of-the-art CFD tools, FULCRUMS seeks to provide high-fidelity insights into the advantages and drawbacks offered by these non-conventional hydrogen combustion systems, which promise a pivotal role in propelling R&D momentum in future combustor design for decarbonized aeronautics (but also power generation).

The computational grant will enable researchers to access massive HPC resources to speed up the assessment of the combustion performance of the proposed configurations by evaluating the flame stabilization mechanism and pollutant emissions. 

These critical evaluations will highlight the practical benefits and limitations offered by these innovative technologies. As a consequence, FULCRUMS could be pivotal in fast-tracking the transition of the aviation sector to the direct combustion of green hydrogen.

FULCRUMS underscores a commitment to reducing the global carbon footprint as well as local non-carbon emissions, fostering innovation in clean energy solutions, the synergy between industry and academia and steering the aviation industry toward the realization of zero-emission flights. To a greater extent, the proposal is also a significant contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).