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The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU)
  • Press release
  • 6 December 2022
  • European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking
  • 3 min read

EUMaster4HPC : Call for applications for the next generation of European experts in supercomputing

Students can now apply to EUMaster4HPC, the first pan-European Master programme in High Performance Computing (HPC).Through online and on-site courses, leading European specialists in HPC are training the next generation of supercomputing experts.

Visual with the logos of the EuroHPC JU and the EUMaster4HPC announcing that applications are open now.

EUMaster4HPC is providing students with unique qualifications and career prospects in the rapidly expanding field of HPC, as well as an opportunity to live and study in different European cities.

The course will begin in Autumn 2023 and will be delivered at eight different European awarding universities in Luxembourg, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Bulgaria, Switzerland and Sweden. Students choose one of the eight awarding universities to start with the programme and will relocate for the second year to another university according to their specialisation.

This unique master programme is bringing together major European players in HPC education, as well as the European Technology Platform for HPC ( ETP4HPC), the most important European industry association of global leaders in HPC. The programme is providing students with a broad range of valuable competences and skills in HPC and HPC-related technologies sought after by employers at the European and international level:

  • declarative and methodological knowledge in mathematical modelling and algorithms;
  • specialized, up-to-date procedural, declarative and methodological knowledge in statistics, parallel programming and parallel architecture;
  • advanced research topics and applications in HPC for science and engineering;
  • applied and research skills in artificial intelligence, high performance data analytics, computational – linear algebra, statistics & optimization and scientific computing;
  • skills in parallel programming, distributed systems, middleware technologies, software engineering, compilers and parallel programming design;
  • advanced skills in processors & HPC architecture design, memory hierarchy, pipelined and superscalar processors, I/O, storage, networking, and cloud design and deployment;
  • transversal/soft skills and competencies in order to facilitate the integration into the job market; develop research topics & writing proposals and critically evaluate the problem & analysis skills.
  • ability to create new ideas and procedures and manage complex, unpredictable solutions in the field of HPC;
  • ability to adapt rapidly to a multicultural working environment and understand the functionality of public and private entities;
  • independent working method with self-direction and time management;
  • support from the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU), for exemple through networking events.

In addition, the EUMaster4HPC students are able to make the most of a broad network of different stakeholders across Europe involving:

  • universities,
  • research centres,
  • supercomputing centres,
  • private organisations,  
  • industry experts,
  • centres of excellences (CoEs),
  • HPC-related entities.

How to apply?

If you are interested in computer science or in solving engineering and scientific problems by using supercomputers, you can apply through this online application form.

The call for applications opens from December 2022 and is ongoing in consecutive application periods.

The eight awarding universities are the University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain), Politecnico di Milano (Italy), Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany), Sorbonne Université (France), Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (Bulgaria), Università della Svizzera Italiana (Switzerland), Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Sweden);

Eligible students[1] will be awarded a “Mobility Scholarship” from the EUMaster4HPC programme to support expenses inherent to the programme (travel and accommodation) and in order to achieve an inclusive and equal programme, the EUMaster4HPC will waive University fees for the eligible students.

More details on the entry requirements and study programme are available on this dedicated portal.



The project EUMaster4HPC is a project funded by the EuroHPC JU with a total budget of EUR 7 million.

The EUMaster4HPC consortium is led by the University of Luxembourg and composed of European universities, research/supercomputing centres and industrial and SMEs partners. The educational programme of the project officially started in Autumn 2022 with a first cohort of students.

The project is part of the EuroHPC JU’s broader strategy to develop a full European supercomputing ecosystem and to widen the use of HPC infrastructures. It has been selected following the call for proposals EuroHPC-2020-03 Training and Education on HPC.

[1] Students coming from EuroHPC JU Member and participant states and who comply with the programme requisites.


Publication date
6 December 2022
European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking