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The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU)
Call for proposalsClosed

CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST for the selection of Hosting Entities for Mid-Range Supercomputers

The overall objective of this call is to select hosting entities for mid-range supercomputers, which will be acquired by the EuroHPC JU.


Publication date
13 December 2022
Opening date
Deadline model
Deadline date
15 February 2023, 13:00 (CET)


The EuroHPC JU will select the hosting entities for the mid-range supercomputers and will conclude with each of them a hosting agreement, which will permit to establish a stable and structured partnership between the EuroHPC JU and the hosting entity for the acquisition and operation of the mid-range supercomputer.

A mid-range supercomputer is defined as a world-class supercomputer with at most one order of magnitude lower performance level than a high-end supercomputer, i.e. at least a petascale machine.

The machines will be co-funded by the EuroHPC JU with budget stemming from the Digital Europe Programme (DEP) and by contributions from relevant participating states. The JU will co-fund up to 35% of the total cost of the mid-range supercomputers with a total maximum contribution of EUR 48 million.  


13 DECEMBER 2022
CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST for the selection of Hosting Entities for Mid-Range Supercomputers
13 DECEMBER 2022
Annex 1- Application form EUROHPC-2022-CEI-MR-01
13 DECEMBER 2022
Annex 1A Declaration on honour on exclusion criteria and selection criteria EUROHPC-2022-CEI-MR-01
13 DECEMBER 2022
Annex 1b- Mandate EUROHPC-2022-CEI-MR-01
13 DECEMBER 2022
Annex 2- Model Hosting Agreement EUROHPC-2022-CEI-MR-01
19 JANUARY 2023
Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) General Model Grant Agreement (DEP MGA)
26 JANUARY 2023
Q&A CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST for the selection of Hosting Entities for mid-range Supercomputers