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The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU)

Awarded Projects

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Awarded Projects (101)

Showing results 80 to 90
Computational - extreme scale

Galaxies and the gas surrounding them are turbulent and multiphase, i.e., colder (< 10^4 K) gas is embedded in a much larger, volume filling hot (≳ 10^6 K) phase, and regulates the fuel supply for star formation and black hole growth.


A molecular level understanding of skin permeation may rationalize and streamline product development and improve quality and control, of transdermal and topical drug delivery systems.


Electrochemical energy storage and conversion is one of the main challenges for energy transition. Electrocatalysis can play an important role by allowing to produce key chemical reagents using electricity production from renewable sources.

Computational - extreme scale

The question how solar storms impact a planet has both fundamental scientific importance and great social impacts for protecting our infrastructure from the most powerful solar storms.