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Awarded Projects (297)
Turbulence characterises many physical phenomena and is key to astrophysical and cosmological scenarios. Despite its success in simulating astrophysical scenarios, the smoothed particle hydrodynamics technique (SPH) has historically struggled when simulating turbulence.

Exploring the standard model of particle physics and finding new physics beyond is in many cases limited by the lack of high-precision knowledge of low-energy QCD effects. The only known systematically improvable method to compute such effects from first principles is lattice QCD.

Exploring the standard model of particle physics and finding new physics beyond is in many cases limited by the lack of high-precision knowledge of low-energy QCD effects.

Cold neutral medium (CNM) is an intermediate stage between the diffuse warm neutral hydrogen (HI) and the dense molecular hydrogen (H2) in interstellar media (ISM).

The spliceosome is a macromolecular complex comprising over 35 proteins and 4 RNA molecules in its functional state. In eukaryotes, the spliceosome plays a critical role in regulating gene expression by facilitating mRNA maturation through a two-step catalytic process known as splicing.

Detailed knowledge of the phase diagram of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is of uttermost importance for our understanding of heavy ion collisions and is also relevant in the context of cosmology and astrophysics.

The Synthetic-data, Fair and Extreme-scaled Large Multimodal Model (SafeLMM) project will redefine the AI landscape by pioneering next-generation multimodal models that emphasise ethical and regulatory compliance.

The current form of the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics fails to explain the observed matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe. While the SM partially breaks charge conjugation parity (CP) symmetry, it does not do so to a sufficient extent.

The project investigates the characteristic frequencies and length-scales of wall pressure fluctuations inswept shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interactions in the presence of cylindrical symmetry, based on analysis of a direct numerical simulations database.

For the first time, this project will simulate the complex three-dimensional (3D) global kinetic interaction between the solar wind and the entire magnetosphere of Earth while maintaining true scales.