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The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU)

Awarded Projects

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Awarded Projects (25)

Showing results 10 to 20
System Partition

QCD is the fundamental quantum field theory that describes the strong interactions between particles. It is one of the basic building blocks of the Standard Model of Particle Physics and it is responsible for the formation of nuclear matter.


Bubbly flows play a significant role in various industrial and geophysical processes: chemical and nuclear reactors, atmosphere-ocean exchanges. In addition, the current technologies to capture carbon dioxide involve chemical reactions between CO2-bubbles and liquid reagents.


P-type ATPase ion pumps transport ions uphill against their chemical potential to maintain the transmembrane (TM) electrochemical potential in cells which powers vital biological functions such as neuronal signaling, energy transduction and stomach acidification.


Two-dimensional (2D) materials have already revolutionized science, and have the potential to revolutionize technology due to their unique properties [1–7]. Their electronic properties range from metallic to insulating.