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The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU)

Large-scale Defect Characterization and Design for Quantum Technologies

Awarded Resources (in core hours)
System Partition
8 March 2023 - 7 March 2024
Allocation Period

Devices relying on quantum effects lie at the heart of modern information and communication technology. Future quantum devices will allow for secure communication, ultra-precise sensors, imaging, and quantum information processing beyond today’s limits.

They are expected to actively process quantum states of matter. Consequently, the unit of quantum information processing (qubit) will have to be stored in atomic- and subatomic-scale systems, e.g., individual atoms, electrons or photons.

However, most of these systems can only operate at extreme conditions, e.g., cryogenic temperatures. In contrast, colour centres associated with defects in semiconductors, have excellent optical and spin properties for room-temperature operation [1]. It also appears possible to engineer such suitable defects in well-established component materials such as silicon carbide (SiC).

In this project we deploy a framework for systematic high-throughput computational studies of defects, which we will use to create a large-scale dataset of defect properties spanning many different point defects in SiC and other host materials relevant for future quantum technologies.

This database will be a key resource to (i) answer outstanding questions on defects in SiC, (ii) identify defects useful for quantum technologies, in particular quantum information, and (iii) understand the physics of point defects in semiconductor materials.