Call- EuroHPC Training Platform and support to the International HPC Summer School
The objective of this call, DIGITAL-EUROHPC-JU-2022-TRAINING-02, is to develop a EuroHPC JU training platform and support the International HPC Summer School.
Development of EuroHPC Training Platform
The Platform would pull together training initiatives including upcoming courses, events organised by EU funded HPC Centres of Excellence, national HPC Competence Centres, EuroHPC hosting entities, EU supercomputing Centres, universities and schools with HPC and Quantum courses, EuroHPC’s private members, companies and SMEs. The platform would provide an accessible archive of courses and other learning materials (preferably open and for free).
EuroHPC support to the International HPC Summer School
The International Summer School would bring together once a year about 80-100 advanced HPC users who are usually graduate students and post-doctoral researchers with relevant knowledge in HPC. It will be held in different locations across the world. The European part of the programme will include up to 40 students from EuroHPC JU Participating States and contribute to the costs of organising the weekly long event.
The call is funded by Digital Europe Programme, the new EU funding programme focused on bringing digital technology to businesses, citizens and public administrations, with a total budget of up to EUR 2 million.
The call is open for submissions until 4 April 2023, 17:00 (CET).
More details and all relevant documents concerning the call are available on this dedicated webpage.
Call- EuroHPC traineeships in Hosting Entities, Centres of Excellence and Competence Centres, SMEs and Industry
The objective of this call, DIGITAL-EUROHPC-JU-2022-TRAINING-03, is to train future HPC specialists to acquire the necessary advanced digital skills needed for the deployment of a specific technology, by providing traineeships.
The action will contribute to bridge the gap between education and labour market, providing future HPC users across the EU with the opportunity to work in HPC environments, having access to the latest technological developments and valuable know-how. Each participant accepted on a traineeship will be able to use HPC technologies and applications and find jobs in current and future sectors of the economy that use supercomputing.
The call is funded by Digital Europe Programme, the new EU funding programme focused on bringing digital technology to businesses, citizens and public administrations, with a total budget of up to EUR 5 million.
The call is open for submissions until 4 April 2023, 17:00 (CET).
More details and all relevant documents concerning the call are available on this dedicated webpage.
The EuroHPC JU is a legal and funding entity, created in 2018 and reviewed in 2021 by means of Council Regulation (EU) 2021/1173, with the mission to:
develop, deploy, extend and maintain in the EU a world-leading federated, secure and hyper-connected supercomputing, quantum computing, service and data infrastructure ecosystem;
support the development and uptake of demand-oriented and user-driven innovative and competitive supercomputing system based on a supply chain that will ensure components, technologies and knowledge limiting the risk of disruptions and the development of a wide range of applications optimised for these systems;
widen the use of that supercomputing infrastructure to a large number of public and private users and support the development of key HPC skills for European science and industry.
In order to equip Europe with a world-leading supercomputing infrastructure, the EuroHPC JU has already procured eight supercomputers, located across Europe. Six supercomputers are now operational: LUMI in Finland, LEONARDO in Italy, Vega in Slovenia, MeluXina in Luxembourg, Discoverer in Bulgaria and Karolina in the Czech Republic. Two more supercomputers are also underway: MareNostrum5 in Spain and Deucalion in Portugal.
- Publication date
- 31 January 2023
- Author
- European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking