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The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU)

Awarded Projects

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Awarded Projects (315)

Showing results 90 to 100
chemical sciences - RA

Hydrophobic gating occurs when the ionic current flowing through a nanopore is hindered by the reversible formation of a vapour bubble inside the pore.

computational physics - RA

We propose to run first-of-a-kind simulations of the embedded phase of star formation, covering the crucial time when protoplanetary disks are formed.

biochemistry RA

The aberrant expression of CD44 variants has been associated with malignancy of various cancer cells, including glioblastoma, for which effective treatments are unavailable. Moreover, CD44 is a promising therapeutic target for hyaluronic acid (HA)-based drug delivery carriers.

Engineering, Maths, COmputer Science RA

It is widely acknowledged [SKA14] that the prediction of turbulent flow features in the presence of separation is one of the most significant challenges in fluid dynamics.