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Press releases (205)
The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) has launched a new Research and Innovation call to establish a European support centre to assist European AI users in fully leveraging the innovation potential of supercomputers for advanced AI applications.

The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) has launched a call for tender for the installation of Euro-Q-Exa, a new EuroHPC quantum computer to be located in Germany.

The EuroHPC JU is collaborating with the European Commission to support SME and start-ups in the AI and HPC community.
LUMI has been recognized in the 20th Anniversary edition of the HPCwire Readers’ Choice Awards, presented at the 2023 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC23), in Denver, Colorado.

MareNostrum 5 enters the TOP500 list at 8th place, joining LUMI and Leonardo in the global top 10, whilst all the other EuroHPC supercomputers remain ranked amongst the world’s most powerful and greenest supercomputers.
Jensen digs into Europe’s forthcoming first exascale system, describes the broad scope of Europe’s quantum computing ambitions, talks a little bit about what’s on the near-term horizon, and much more. The EuroHPC JU, says Jensen, has “left its teenage years behind.”
The European Processor Initiative (EPI), a project with 30 partners from 10 European countries, aiming to make the EU independent in HPC chip technologies and HPC infrastructures, is proud to announce that it has delivered a significant European sovereignty contribution with valuable business impact

The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) has launched three new research and innovation (R&I) calls. The calls focus on three different areas, namely energy efficient technology, skills and training, and centres of excellence for quantum computing.
On October 18th and 19th, the FF4EuroHPC and EuroCC 2 consortia brought together eminent representatives from industry and politics, representatives from the National Competence Centres, HPC experts and enthusiasts at the HPC Industry Summit, which took place in Berlin.

The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) has launched a call for tender for the installation of EuroQCS-Poland, the EuroHPC quantum computer to be located in Poland.