ISC High Performance 2024 - AFTER MOVIEISC High Performance 2024 - AFTER MOVIE Koordinacijsko srečanje gostiteljskih ustanov EuroHPC JU, IZUM Maribor, 25. 4. 2024Koordinacijsko srečanje gostiteljskih ustanov EuroHPC JU, IZUM Maribor, 25. 4. 2024 EuroHPC Summit 2024 in Antwerp (Belgium) - AFTER MOVIEEuroHPC Summit 2024 in Antwerp (Belgium) - AFTER MOVIE Discoverer supercomputer - Participation to the EuroHPC Summit 2024Discoverer supercomputer - Participation to the EuroHPC Summit 2024 SUPER_DREAMERS: Valentina MorettiSUPER_DREAMERS: Valentina Moretti SUPER_DREAMERS: Professor Gabriel WlazlowskiSUPER_DREAMERS: Professor Gabriel Wlazlowski SUPER_DREAMERS: Professor Maarit Korpi-LaggSUPER_DREAMERS: Professor Maarit Korpi-Lagg EuroHPC JU Information Day for AI on Supercomputers virtual - 26/09/2023EuroHPC JU Information Day for AI on Supercomputers virtual - 26/09/2023 What does EuroHPC mean for European Supercomputing?What does EuroHPC mean for European Supercomputing? EuroHPC JU at ISC 2023 Hamburg- AFTER MOVIEEuroHPC JU at ISC 2023 Hamburg- AFTER MOVIE EuroHPC Summit 2023 in Sweden- AFTER MOVIEEuroHPC Summit 2023 in Sweden- AFTER MOVIE Access to EuroHPC SupercomputersAccess to EuroHPC Supercomputers Leonardo Virtual TourLeonardo Virtual Tour Leonardo Cooling SystemLeonardo Cooling System Leonardo System DesignLeonardo System Design Lux Insiders - EuroHPC Joint UndertakingLux Insiders - EuroHPC Joint Undertaking MeluXina 1 Year Anniversary - 14th June 2022MeluXina 1 Year Anniversary - 14th June 2022 How to apply for access to EuroHPC JU supercomputersHow to apply for access to EuroHPC JU supercomputers LIGATE - The Game-Changer in Drug DiscoveryLIGATE - The Game-Changer in Drug Discovery Speech of Thomas Skordas - Opening Plenary EHPCSW 2022Speech of Thomas Skordas - Opening Plenary EHPCSW 2022 Interview with Johnathan Pecero Sanchez - EHPCSW 2022Interview with Johnathan Pecero Sanchez - EHPCSW 2022 Interview with Pascal Bouvry - EHPCSW2022Interview with Pascal Bouvry - EHPCSW2022 Interview with Herbert Zeisel - EHPCSW 2022Interview with Herbert Zeisel - EHPCSW 2022 Interview with Sinead Ryan - EHPCSW2022Interview with Sinead Ryan - EHPCSW2022 Karolina SupercomputerKarolina Supercomputer Discoverer: the EuroHPC world-class supercomputer located in BulgariaDiscoverer: the EuroHPC world-class supercomputer located in Bulgaria NextSim: Next Generation of Industrial Aerodynamic Simulation CodeNextSim: Next Generation of Industrial Aerodynamic Simulation Code WHAT ARE EUROCC AND CASTIEL?WHAT ARE EUROCC AND CASTIEL? EuroHPC Summit Week 2021 & PRACEdays 2021Summary VideoEuroHPC Summit Week 2021 & PRACEdays 2021Summary Video Inauguration du 1er superordinateur luxembourgeois MeluXina (7.06.2021)Inauguration du 1er superordinateur luxembourgeois MeluXina (7.06.2021) Zagon največjega superračunalnika v Sloveniji | Start-up of the 1st EuroHPC petascale supercomputerZagon največjega superračunalnika v Sloveniji | Start-up of the 1st EuroHPC petascale supercomputer Clip Europe works- Media campaign of the European Commission presenting the EuroHPC JUClip Europe works- Media campaign of the European Commission presenting the EuroHPC JU Ceremony of the official inauguration of the Bulgarian petascale supercomputer DiscovererCeremony of the official inauguration of the Bulgarian petascale supercomputer Discoverer What are Supercomputers and What are They Used for?What are Supercomputers and What are They Used for? High Performance Computing and ENCCSHigh Performance Computing and ENCCS The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU)The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) Today, let's meet a member of the JU family ;-)Today, let's meet a member of the JU family ;-) European SupercomputersEuropean Supercomputers