DirectorateExecutive Director JENSEN Anders DamInternal Control and Audit OfficerMARCHESINI ClaudiaExecutive Personal AssistantZUZIOVA Veronika Administration, Finance and Corporate SupportHead of Unit Administration, Finance and Corporate SupportRAMOS LOPEZ FernandoAssistant to the Head of UnitVASILOPOULOU MariaHead of Sector FinanceMEIJER-LASSONCZYK DorisFinancial AssistantPIERGIORGI EmmanuelleFinancial Officer MIHAYLOVA DianaBudget Officer and Accounting CorrespondentGASHI Manjola Financial OfficerHOUART VéroniqueFinancial OfficerGLODEANU-BOSANCIAN GeorgianaDOBOSZ PawelHead of Sector Administration, HR and ITHEDRZAK AnnaAdministrative OfficerCHIRICA IrinaHR OfficerLYMPERI ElenaHR AssistantKHAROUFEH CynthiaIT Service CoordinatorDELHALLE Regis Strategy and GovernanceHead of Unit Strategy and Governance WOOD JosephineHead of Sector Legal and GovernanceWOLFGARTEN StefaniGovernance, Planning and Reporting OfficerZWIERZYNSKI RalfLegal OfficerKANIA MagdalenaGovernance and Legal AssistantORTU VeronicaHead of Sector Communication GOUNAUD PaulineCommunication OfficerROTONDÒ Marzio P.Communication OfficerROSSI Beatrice ProgrammesHead of Unit Infrastructure FLOROS EvangelosProgramme Manager - InfrastructureAXNER LilitProgramme Manager - InfrastructureEVANGELINOU AthanasiaProgramme Manager - Infrastructure DATSIKAS ChristosHead of Sector Peer reviewMESTROVIC KlaraProgramme Manager - Peer reviewBHUYAN KrishnakshiProgramme Officer - Peer reviewMARTON DoraProgramme Officer - Peer reviewGUERREIRO Catarina Head of Unit R&IOPALKA DanielProgramme Manager - R&IKOURFALI AlexandraProgramme Manager - R&ICHATWELL René S.Programme Manager - R&IGESENHUES LindaProgramme Manager - R&IMASCAGNI MatteoProgramme Manager - R&ISKELIN MladenProgramme Assistant - InfrastructureBONEVA VenetaProgramme Assistant - R&ISPITAELS Tanya