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EuroHPC JU GB Decision No. 19/2024 - Approving the ranked list of proposals selected for funding pursuant to the evaluation of the call for proposals on Centres of Excellence for Exascale HPC Applications

EuroHPC JU GB Decision No. 18/2024 - Approving the ranked list of proposals selected for funding pursuant to the evaluation of the call for proposals on Energy Efficient Technologies in HPC

EuroHPC JU GB Decision No. 17/2024 - EuroQCS-Poland Quantum Computer

EuroHPC JU GB Decision No. 15/2024 - Selection of proposals Extreme Access Call (Third Cut-off)

EuroHPC JU Decision No. 09/2024 - 2nd Amendment to the MultiAnnual Strategic Plan

EuroHPC JU Decision No. 04/2024 on the appointment of the RIAG members 2024-2026

EuroHPC JU Decision No 14/2024 - Selection of the tenderers to upgrade EuroHPC supercomputer Discoverer+

EuroHPC JU Decision No 12/2024 - Call on National Competence Centres for High Performance Computing

EuroHPC JU Decision No 10/2024 - Derogation from implementing rules to the Staff Regulation

EuroHPC Decision 11/2024 - 1st Amendment to the Work Programme and Budget for the year 2024

EuroHPC Decision No 46/2023 - Euro-Q-Exa quantum computer

EuroHPC Decision No 47/2023 approving the ranked list of proposals selected for funding pursuant to the evaluation of the call for proposals on Stimulating the HPC innovation potential of SME

EuroHPC Decision 49/2023 approving the launch of a call for proposals on EU-India partnership

EuroHPC Decision No 01/2024 - EuroQCS-France quantum computer

EuroHPC Decision 50/2023 approving the launch of the call for expression of interest for the selection of consortia of private partners and the Hosting Entities for the procurement of Industrial High Performance Computers

EuroHPC Decision No 08/2024 - Selection proposal Regular Access Call November 2023 Cut Off

EuroHPC Decision No 51/2023 approving the launch of the third call for expression of interest for the selection of Hosting Entities for Mid-Range Supercomputers

EuroHPC Decision No 52/2023 - Approving the launch of the second call for expression of interest for the selection of Hosting Entities and operation of European Quantum Computers integrated in HPC Supercomputers

EuroHPC Decision No 02/2024 - LUMI-Q quantum computer

EuroHPC Decision No 53/2023 - 2nd Amendmentof the Access Policy of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking Supercomputers