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Annex to EuroHPC JU GB Decision No. 27/2024 - Consolidated Annual Activity Report 2023

Annex to EuroHPC JU GB Decision No. 28/2024 - Annual Accounts of the EuroHPC JU for the Financial Year 2023

EuroHPC JU GB Decision No. 28/2024 - Approving the EuroHPC JU Final Accounts and Budgetary Expenditure Report 2023

EuroHPC JU GB Decision No. 27/2024 - Approving the Consolidated Annual Activity Report 2023

EuroHPC JU GB Decision No. 32/2024 - Decision on First Amendment Jules Verne Consortium

EuroHPC JU GB Decision No. 31/2024 - Approval of Ranked List of Proposals for AI Support Centre (AISC)

EuroHPC JU GB Decision No. 30/2024 - Decision on Repurposing the LISA upgrade for AI

EuroHPC JU GB Decision No. 26/2024 - 2nd Amendment to the Decision on the Appointment of INFRAG Members

EuroHPC Participating States - 10.03.2025

EuroHPC JU GB Decision No. 33/2024 - Approving the launch of the call for tenders for the acquisition of the Daedalus Mid-Range Supercomputer

Executive Summary 38th EuroHPC Governing Board Meeting

Executive Summary 37th EuroHPC Governing Board Meeting

EuroHPC JU GB Decision No. 25/2024 - Call on a Specific Grant Agreement for the the Framework Partnership Agreement with the DARE Consortium for RISC-V

EuroHPC JU GB Decision No. 20/2024 - 2nd Amendment to the Joint Undertaking's Work Programme and Budget for the Year 2024

EuroHPC JU GB Decision No. 21/2024 - Approving the launch of the call for tenders for the acquisition, delivery, installation and hardware and software maintenance of EuroQCS-Spain quantum computer for EuroHPC Joint Undertaking

EuroHPC JU GB Decision No. 22/2024 – Amendment to GB Decision on the appointment of the members of the Infrastructure Advisory Group (INFRAG) for years 2024-2026

EuroHPC JU GB Decision No. 16/2024 – Organisation of the Research and Innovation Advisory Group (RIAG) and Infrastructure Advisory Group (INFRAG) of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking

EuroHPC JU GB Decision No. 03/2024 - Appointment of the INFRAG members 2024-2026 which is replaced by EuroHPC Governing Board Decision 22/2024

EuroHPC JU GB Decision No 37/2023 - Approving the launch of the call for tenders for the acquisition, delivery, installation and hardware and software maintenance of EuroQCS-Poland quantum computer for EuroHPC Joint Undertaking

EuroHPC JU Factsheet
Leading the Way in European Supercomputing