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The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU)

Awarded Projects

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Awarded Projects (315)

Showing results 50 to 60
chemical sciences - RA

The advent of ultrafast laser sources paved new way in the synthesis of materials, as it has become possible to access new phases of matter (charge density waves, order-disorder phase transitions, magnetism, ferroelectricity) in the transient period following a laser excitation.

Engineering, Maths, COmputer Science RA

The quest to reduce CO2 emissions in transport is driving research into flow control methods aimed at reducing the aerodynamic drag. Especially in air transportation, the roughly linear dependency of fuel consumption on aerodynamic resistance explains the need for innovative approaches.

computational physics - RA

This proposal aims to disclose new properties of cosmic-ray transport in the Universe. A fast numerical method is used to describe the propagation of cosmic-rays in anisotropic magnetic turbulence.