Awarded Projects - EuroHPC JU Skip to main content
The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU)

Awarded Projects

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Awarded Projects (315)

Showing results 230 to 240
computational physics - ES

The project aims to to obtain ab-initio information about these simpler quantities through our lattice simulations which are now feasible due to the existence of pre exascale computers.

biochemistry RA

P-type ATPase ion pumps transport ions uphill against their chemical potential to maintain the transmembrane (TM) electrochemical potential in cells which powers vital biological functions such as neuronal signaling, energy transduction and stomach acidification.

chemical sciences - RA

Two-dimensional (2D) materials have already revolutionized science, and have the potential to revolutionize technology due to their unique properties [1–7]. Their electronic properties range from metallic to insulating.

computational physics - RA

We propose to investigate, with unprecedented accuracy and abundant statistics, the critical phase of the quantum spin glass in two dimensions.

biochemistry RA

Integrity of our genomic material is critical for cell survival and faithful inheritance. The newly identified Rahman syndrome (RS) is a rare genetic disease linked to frameshift mutations in the linker-histone H1.4, a critical structural constituent of chromatin, our genomic material.