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The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU)

Awarded Projects

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Awarded Projects (315)

Showing results 150 to 160
Engineering, Maths, COmputer Science RA

The project presents a comprehensive computational investigation into the aeroelastic response of airfoils subjected to gust encounters.

computational physics - RA

QCD is the fundamental quantum field theory that describes the strong interactions between particles. It is one of the basic building blocks of the Standard Model of Particle Physics and it is responsible for the formation of nuclear matter.

ES earth

This proposal will contribute to building two European Storm-Resolving Earth System Models (SR-ESMs), applying them to study the Earth system and answering important open questions about how its climate will change over the next decades.

computational physics - RA

The primary challenge is to obtain an accurate impact rate for the last 1 Gyr of evolution due to substantial particle loss. We are further challenged by the duration of the simulations versus that of the project.