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Awarded Projects (315)
The understanding and tuning of the electronic properties of graphene on metals, possibly encompassing magnetism, is crucial towards the inclusion of graphene into devices, and graphene-based electronics on a large industrial scale.

Turbulent flows laden with drops are ubiquitous in nature and in our everyday life. These flows play a key-role in various applications, from geophysical phenomena to food and industrial processes.

Experimental explorations at RHIC and LHC have revealed the surprising fact that the long-distance behavior of the QGP closely resembles that of an almost inviscid fluid.

Quantum Chromodynamics has yielded a huge amount of understanding about how the nucleon and other hadrons are built from quarks and gluons, the fundamental degrees of freedom in QCD.

The accurate simulation of separated flows induced by impinging shock waves is an argument of great interest for the aeronautical and aerospace industry.

Innovative design strategies of marine propellers are based on bio-inspired solutions.

Contra-rotating propellers aim at improved performance, in comparison with the conventional design of isolated propellers.

The present involves numerical simulations of a capsule and supersonic parachute re-entering the Martian atmosphere at supersonic regimes using Large Eddy Simulation (LES) coupled with a wall-model to describe the near-wall dynamics.

A computational method able to quantitatively predict spin relaxation in magnetic molecules and individuated the main physical ingredients that can potentially lead to room temperature spin operations

Despite the leading role of Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) in wall turbulence research, several fundamental questions still stand.