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The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU)


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Documents (339)

Showing results 140 to 160
General publications28 June 2022
Liderar o caminho europeu da supercomputação – Projects Info Pack do CORDIS (PT)
General publications28 June 2022
Spianare la strada al supercalcolo europeo – Un Projects Info Pack a cura di CORDIS (IT)
General publications28 June 2022
Pour une Europe leader du Supercalcul – Un Projects Info Pack par CORDIS (FR)
General publications28 June 2022
Euroopan edelläkävijät superlaskennassa – CORDIS Projects Info Pack (FI)
General publications28 June 2022
Marcar el camino de la Supercomputación europea – Projects Info Pack de CORDIS (ES)
General publications28 June 2022
Dem europäischen Supercomputing den Weg weisen – Ein Projects Info Pack von CORDIS (DE)
General publications28 June 2022
Vedoucí postavení v oblasti evropských superpočítačů – Brožura Projects Info Pack služby CORDIS (CS)
General publications28 June 2022
Начело на европейските суперкомпютърни системи – Брошура Projects Info Pack от CORDIS (BG)
General publications17 June 2022
EuroHPC JU Decision No 02/2022- Specific rules to grant access time for initiatives considered as strategic for the EU
General publications17 June 2022
INFRAG Rules of Procedure 2021- 2027
General publications17 June 2022
RIAG Rules of Procedure 2021-2027
General publications17 June 2022
EuroHPC JU Decision No 22/2022- Selected proposals following the Call for Proposal for the Regular Access Call
General publications17 June 2022
EuroHPC JU Decision No 21/2022- Selected proposals following the call on centres of excellence for HPC applications
General publications17 June 2022
EuroHPC JU Decision No 19/2022- Selection of the Hosting Entities for the High-End supercomputer
General publications17 June 2022
EuroHPC JU Decision No 18/2022- Selection of the Hosting Entities for the Mid-Range supercomputers
General publications17 June 2022
EuroHPC JU Decision No 14/2022- Selection of the tender for acquisition of the MN5 supercomputer
General publications3 June 2022
Annex of EuroHPC JU Decision 15.2021 - EuroHPC JU Annual Activity Report 2020 (AAR 2020)
General publications28 April 2022
Leading the way in European Supercomputing - A projects info pack by CORDIS (EN)
General publications30 March 2022
EuroHPC JU Decision No 12/2022- Launch Call Algorithm (HORIZON-EUROHPC-JU-2022-ALG-02)
General publications30 March 2022
EuroHPC JU Decision No 11/2022- Launch Call for Quantum Computers (EUROHPC-2022-CEI-QC-01)