The subject of this negotiated procedure is to enter into an agreement with an economic operator who may provide the services for building and dismantling an outside tent hall, including heating, lighting and sound system at the Wawel Royal Castle (Kraków, Poland), in the courtyard, next to the “Przy Białym Murze” Café for the needs of a social event organised on March 19, 2025 from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m as part of the EuroHPC Summit 2025. The operator will also provide a guided tour of Wawel Royal Castle for participants attending the evening reception.
Publication Date: 07-02-2025
Submission deadline: 13-02-2025, 17:00, Luxembourg Time

Please note that this procedure has been cancelled and replaced with the one above.
The subject of this negotiated procedure is to enter into an agreement with an economic operator who may provide the services for building and dismantling an outside tent hall, including heating, lighting and sound system at the Wawel Royal Castle (Kraków, Poland), in the courtyard, next to the “Przy Białym Murze” Café for the needs of a social event organised on March 19, 2025 from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m as part of the EuroHPC Summit 2025.
Publication Date: 06-02-2025
Submission deadline: 10-02-2025, 17:00, Luxembourg Time

The subject of this negotiated procedure is to enter into an agreement with an economic operator who may provide the services for building and dismantling the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (“EuroHPC JU”) stand at the ISC High Performance 2025 event, which will take place in Hamburg (Germany) from 10 to 13 June 2025.
Publication Date: 14-10-2024
Submission deadline: 30-10-2024, 17:00, Luxembourg Time
Under Regulation (EU) 2018/17252, the Joint Undertakings, as separate controllers, shall maintain a record of the processing activities under its responsibility in a central register. In addition, for reasons of transparency, the Joint Undertakings shall make the register publicly accessible (article 31(5)). The contractor must provide and maintain a tool to serve the purpose of central on-line register of records of activities processing personal data (the “on-line register”) that should be adapted to the needs of the Joint Undertakings.
If you are interested in participating in this call for tenders, please send us an email to the following EU-Rail functional mailbox procurementrail-research [dot] europa [dot] eu and indicate your contact details (name, organisation, address, country and email address) no later than 13/05/2024.
Based on growing case law and supervisory requirements as well as specific institutional particularities, the list of the tasks to be performed by a Joint Undertaking in the data protection field is expanding. For this reason, it is intended to procure operational and legal support for the performance of these tasks to ensure, demonstrate and verify compliance (accountability) with the applicable law.
Publication Date: 07-03-2024
Submission deadline: 18-04-2024, 23:30, Luxembourg Time
The subject of this negotiated procedure is to enter into an agreement with an economic operator who may provide the services for building and dismantling the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (“EuroHPC JU”) stand at the ISC High Performance 2024 event, which will take place in Hamburg (Germany) from 12 to 16 May 2024.
Publication date: 30-10-2023
Deadline for declaration of interest: 15-11-2023 17.00 CET

The subject of this negotiated procedure is to enter into an agreement with an economic operator who may provide the publication services for production, on an annual basis, of a paper and online publication of conference proceedings which will bring together a maximum of 90 scientific articles collected as a result of the annual EuroHPC JU User Day event.
For more information about the event, please see EuroHPC User Day (
Publication date: 09-10-2023
Deadline for declaration of interest: 16-10-2023 17.00 CET

The subject of this negotiated procedure is to enter into an agreement with an economic operator who may provide the services for building and dismantling the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (“EuroHPC JU”) stand at the ISC High Performance 2023 event, which will take place in Hamburg (Germany) from 21 to 25 May 2023.
Publication date: 20-01-2023
Deadline for declaration of interest: 30-01-2023 17.00 CET

The subject of this negotiated procedure is the enter an agreement with an economic operator who may provide the services for the full installation, including maintenance, and the lease of one (1) collective coffee machine and two (2) water dispensers in the premises of the European Hight Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (“EuroHPC JU”).
Publication date: 21-12-2022
Deadline for declaration of interest: 06-01-2023 17.00 CET

The purpose of this call for tender is to provide analysis and specification of the HPC connectivity requirements in Europe, in views to have a clear long-term specification of the hyper-connectivity service to be provided to EuroHPC, and the implementation roadmap to develop a federated, secure, and hyper-connected European HPC and data infrastructure, accessible via the cloud.
Publication date: 21-12-2022
Opening date: 09-01-2023
Submission deadline: 28-02-2023
EuroHPC JU would like to procure a data driven analysis of High Performance Computing services uptake by academic/SME/industrial and commercial end-users in European Participating States who are members of the EuroHPC JU.
With this study, EuroHPC JU seeks to understand what specific technical, legal, financial and commercial considerations shape academic/industrial/commercial end-user requirements and how these requirements influence the business decisions of HPC users (academic, industrial and/or SMEs) to access high-performance computing solutions and services.
Publication Date: 02-12-2022
Deadline for declaration of interest: 15-01-2023, 17:00, Luxembourg Time.

The service to supply is a Data protection services contract for a EU Data protection on line central register and Data Protection gap analysis services.
Publication Date: 09-08-2021
Submission deadline: 23-08-2021, 17:00, Luxembourg Time.

The service to supply is the financial audit of EuroHPC JU accounts for the financial year 2020 and 2021, which comprises providing the audit firm’s opinion on the reliability of the Joint Undertaking's provisional and final annual accounts.
Publication Date: 16-11-2020
Submission deadline: 02-12-2020, 17:00, Luxembourg Time