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The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU)

State-of-the-art lattice QCD simulations for precision nucleon structure calculations

Awarded Resources (in node hours)
MareNostrum5 ACC
System Partition
1 May 2024 - 30 April 2025
Allocation Period

At the so-called precision frontier, high-intensity experiments test the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics, searching for discrepancies with theoretical predictions that may reveal new physics. 

A major challenge is determining accurately the theoretical prediction of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the theory that governs the strong force component of the SM. Prominent examples are the predictions for the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon and the scalar and tensor charges of the nucleon.

This project targets large-scale simulations of QCD using its lattice formulation and an analysis of these simulations to obtain important nucleon structure quantities. In particular, the team will generate two ensembles of twisted mass clover-improved fermion configurations with degenerate up- and down-, strange- and charm-quarks tuned to their physical mass values (physical point). 

The ensembles, with lattice spacing 0.058 fm and 0.049 fm are the largest lattices ever simulated using this action and are only possible using extreme scale allocations. 

Within this project, the researchers will also calculate nucleon matrix elements, yielding nucleon charges, moments of parton distribution functions, and form factors. When combined with results on existing ensembles at three larger values of the lattice spacing, the proposed simulations will allow for a first continuum extrapolation using four values of the lattice spacing directly at the physical point.