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Press releases (205)
RSSThe European Commission welcomes today's General Approach in the COMPET Council by Research Ministers on the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking Regulation.

Vega, the EuroHPC JU petascale supercomputer located in Slovenia, is now running its first industrial project.

Three years after its establishment, and eight months after gaining its autonomy, the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking opens its new headquarters today in Luxembourg.

Thirteen projects have began work in April 2021 covering the three topics of the call ‘Towards Extreme Scale Technologies and Applications’, and using more than the 70% of the designated funding available under Europe 2020.

With the first EU supercomputer now operational in Slovenia, European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) is officially ready to accept the first applications to access Vega’s HPC system computing power.

Vega, the first new petascale EuroHPC machine, hosted in the Institute of Information Science in Maribor, in Slovenia, and partly financed by the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking, is fully operational.
Congratulations on being named a 2021 HPCwire Person to Watch! EuroHPC made the most of 2020, with a slew of major system announcements landing toward the end of the year. Could you talk about the trajectory for the Joint Undertaking as these pre-exascale machines start to become reality and the exa

These new research and innovation projects will focus on the development of energy-efficient HPC software and further develop, adapt, and optimize HPC software for applications in the European industry, while exploiting synergies with existing solutions and open-source projects.

Vega, the new petascale EuroHPC infrastructure partly financed by the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking and hosted by the Institute of Information Science in Maribor, in Slovenia, will be fully operational in April 2021.

Funded by the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking, the eFlows4HPC project will enable dynamic and intelligent workflows in the EuroHPC ecosystem and support the development of European exascale systems.