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The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU)

PICCOLO - PathfInder Cluster COmoLOgy

Awarded Resources (in node hours)
Leonardo DCGP
System Partition
October 2024 - October 2025
Allocation Period

This project addresses a critical challenge in cluster cosmology: modeling and calibrating projection effects on optical cluster finders and mass estimates, which are crucial for interpreting data from the upcoming Euclid mission. These effects are the leading source of systematic uncertainty in photometric galaxy catalog analyses. By leveraging HPC, we will utilize high-resolution simulations to create controlled environments that accurately model galaxy clusters and assess the impact of these projection effects with unprecedented precision. 

HPC resources are essential for processing the extensive data volumes and complex computations required, enabling us to efficiently simulate, analyze, and refine cluster cosmology algorithms.The expected outcomes include a novel, more accurate model for projection effects and a set of refined, simulated galaxy catalogs. These contributions will significantly enhance the Euclid collaboration's ability to extract cosmological parameters from its data, thereby advancing our understanding of the universe. Furthermore, by making these simulated catalogs available to the broader scientific community, this project will also support a wide range of research in cosmology, fostering technological advancements in data analysis and simulation techniques.