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The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU)

A multi-scale aPproach fOr predicTive High fidElity atOmisation SimulatIonS (APOTHEOSIS)

Awarded Resources (in node hours)
MareNostrum5 GPP
System Partition
29 July 2024 - 28 July 2025
Allocation Period

In aeronautical systems, the quality of the fuel atomization has a strong influence on the homogeneity of the mixture between air and fuel and consequently on the engine performance and pollutant emissions. 

The understanding and the modeling of liquid atomization are complex due to the strongly non-linear behavior of interface dynamics and the great disparity of involved time and space scales.

Faced with climate challenges, the transition towards the use of sustainable fuels (SAF) requires the development of reliable numerical methods to predict fuel injector’s performances. 

The project APOTHEOSIS aims at 

  • improving the understanding of primary and secondary atomization phenomena, and 
  • validating capability of numerical approaches to predict both spray size and velocity distribution. 

The interfacial two-phase flow solver of YALES2 based on a front capturing approach and unstructured Dynamic Mesh Adaptation is considered. YALES2 is a high-performance code developed by a large community. 

The numerical strategy will first be applied to two academic configurations representative of two fuel injection technologies: swirl atomizer and Jet-In-Cross-Flow (JICF). 

It will then be extended to the simulation of an open semi-industrial injection system BIMER representative of a Multi-Staged Fuel Injection (MSFI) used for reduced nitrogen oxide emissions.